• The CompTIA Cybersecurity Programs Team would like to thank you for an incredible year and wish you a
    Happy 2025!
    CompTIA offices will be closed from December 24, 2024, through January 1, 2025. During this time, the Cybersecurity Programs Team will check the approval queue once daily. Our Platform Partner, IT-ISAC will monitor and respond but will only post items requiring immediate action.
    For urgent matters, please tag Lisa Person or Wayne Selk in the thread.
    **The Cybersecurity Trustmark Cyber Success Calls will resume Jan. 6, 2025.

The forums under this category are more business oriented, based on your type of business or role within the business.

Active Exploits Discussion/Recommendations

This forum is for discussion and sharing of recommendations regarding active exploits that pose a significant impact to member organizations and customers. Threads will be initiated by CompTIA Staff, when warranted and will include links to existing posts related to the exploit. The idea is not to post for every possible vulnerability as this will become a cluttered forum quickly. This is for events of significant impact to the membership and your customers. Once the threat is started, members will be able to post replies and share information/action items/tools, etc.

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