• The CompTIA Cybersecurity Programs Team would like to thank you for an incredible year and wish you a
    Happy 2025!
    CompTIA offices will be closed from December 24, 2024, through January 1, 2025. During this time, the Cybersecurity Programs Team will check the approval queue once daily. Our Platform Partner, IT-ISAC will monitor and respond but will only post items requiring immediate action.
    For urgent matters, please tag Lisa Person or Wayne Selk in the thread.
    **The Cybersecurity Trustmark Cyber Success Calls will resume Jan. 6, 2025.

Terms and rules

Cyber Forum Code of Conduct

The CompTIA ISAO Cyber Forum allows members to share valuable information, resources and best practices on how technology companies of all sizes are addressing cyber security threats to their organizations and their customers. The forum also serves as a place to ask questions of your peers and to benefit from ideas and processes that are working for other companies. In addition, your organization has access to submit potential or suspect indicators of compromise for review by cyber threat analysts.


This forum adheres to the CompTIA anti-trust and anti-harassment policies. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a forum moderator or your membership representative.

Creating an Account

Personal Information
  • All participants are required to provide their FIRST and LAST name as their username.
  • Due to the sensitive nature of the information provided in the Cyber Forum, we are only able to accept business email addresses when registering.
  • Including your photo, title, and links to social media accounts is optional.

Posting in in the Forum

Post in the Corresponding Category and Forum
  • There are multiple categories in the forum and posts should be included in the category that best fits the purpose of the post. For example, if you have a membership question, post it in the General Membership Q&A forum under the Membership category.
  • Each forum has a brief description to help guide where best to make your post.
Seek Out Quality and Quantity
  • Only post content that is relevant to the CompTIA ISAO.
  • If your post contains sensitive information, please utilize your Splunk/TruSTAR enclave if the post is for the threat analysts.
Post Relevant Industry Resources
  • Do not post unconfirmed news items and resources that have not been validated by a neutral trustworthy source.
Share Your Point of View
  • Include a comment with a post including open-ended questions when possible – “Do you agree with this piece?” or your opinion “This prediction is off because...”.
Be Professional and Courteous
  • Do not post political or personal matters. Be sure to respond to any questions or comments in a timely manner.
Survey the Group
  • Ask important questions about specific workplace or business issues you or your company is facing in the Organization category.
Beware of Cross-Posting
  • Keep in mind that members are involved in multiple categories and forums so try not to cross post too much. Keep the topics within the forum focus.
Use of Logos
  • Do not use the CompTIA, CompTIA ISAO, or your company logo or icons on your posts or as your avatar. The only permissible use of a logo will be as part of your forum signature in appropriate proportion to that signature.
No Overt Selling/Soliciting
  • Be mindful of the forum purpose when posting content about events or opportunities. We will remove any posts that are promotional or advertising related.
  • Do not solicit members of the forum with unwanted direct messages or posts.

Violations of this Code of Conduct

  • If an individual is found to be violating the guidelines of this forum, they will be contacted by a moderator. CompTIA reserves the right to remove content or restrict group access for individuals that violate this policy.
Download Code of Conduct